What's new with Bejigo????
21 months old
His speech has really taken off the past few weeks. His speech therapist was amazed at how much more he is saying. He now says most body parts, food, water, milk, apple juice, pizza, hot dog, poo poo, potty, up, down, brush teeth, mama, dada, bus (for Kate's school bus), it's stuck, buckle (when you are trying to buckle him into his car seat), fish. That's all I can think of right now.
He can now go down the steps independently on his belly. He is trying to sing ABCs and daily sings "Oh no" for the song Oh no you never let go. He tries to count but says one, one, one. He is still a little snuggle bug and loves to give big hugs and shakes and grunts while he hugs you. When he wakes up in the morning, he says dada, mama in his bed. He is sleeping through the night 7:30 or 8:00 until 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning. He is still napping and usually sleeps 2 hours.
We have made huge progress with going into the nursery at church. He still acts like he does not want to go in but then only cries for a few seconds and then is o.k.
He no longer eats baby food and loves all of the junky stuff that Kate and Drew like. When asked if he wants food, he usually says: hot dog, pizza? His favorites are hot dogs, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets.
He still has absolutely the best belly laugh and loves to be tickled. He sounds like a smoker though with a raspy laugh. He is so adventurous and you have to watch him every second. He is not scared of anything. He is constantly into every cupboard, drawer, etc that we forgot to lock up. He can climb up the slide on our swing set.
We love him very much. It is hard to believe that he is almost 2 and has been with us for nearly a year now.
What's new with Drew????
I have been working hard with Drew on counting and his letters. He likes to think that he has homework like Kate. He is ready and excited for preschool. He will be going to St. Teresa's in the fall and will have the same teachers that Kate had and loved!!! He loves to play baseball and basketball and has been enjoying the warm weather. We wanted him to play t-ball this year but he decided that he did not want to play defense. So, we will try again next year. He can now hula hoop and is very proud of this!
What's new with Kate????
She has been doing very well in school. She is becoming a very good reader and likes to read at home. Last week, she got to read to the principal at school and enjoyed this. She was a runner up in a writing contest at school. She went on her first field trip to the Kuss Auditorium to see several plays. She is still in ballet but that will be winding down over the next few months. She finished upward cheerleading and loved it!!! She says that she wants to play upward basketball next year. She is learning to dribble in school as well as jump rope. Her teacher says that she is already ready for 1st grade. It is hard to believe hat she is almost done with Kindergarten.
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